
$17.9 Billion in XRP Tokens Set to be Unlocked in 2023

$17.9 Billion in XRP Tokens Set to be Unlocked in 2023

$17.9 Billion in XRP Tokens Set to be Unlocked in 2023

  •  Token Unlocks reports that $17.9 billion in XRP tokens will be unlocked in 2023.

  • The cumulative total value of tokens to be unlocked in 2023 is $102 billion.

Crypto users question the authenticity of the report that could generate a FUD.

The 2022 annual report of Token Unlocks highlights XRP as the token with the highest unlock potential for 2023

With $17.9 billion in tokens set to enter the market, XRP will unlock over four times more tokens than the next-ranked token, Filecoin.

Filecoin expects to unlock $4.9 billion in tokens this year, adding to several other planned unlocks, as reported by the Chinese crypto journalist Collin Wu. 

Wu’s report has generated reactions among his Twitter followers as users questioned what the influx of tokens could do to the market.

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