The most expensive keywords in Google Adsense


The most expensive keywords in Google Adsense

The most expensive keywords in Google Adsense:  

There are many content creators around the world, especially in the Arab world. They publish a lot of articles and provide good content. And they get thousands of visitors from search engines like Google. But they suffer from weak advertising revenue. The reason is the poor selection of the most expensive keywords to increase CPC.

Or CPC in Google Adsense and export search results and profit from your site or blog easily from home.

In this article today, I will share with you my humble experience in choosing the most expensive keywords in Google Adsense.

There are a lot of people doing a google search on how to increase CPC. And choosing the most expensive keywords to profit from Google Adsense. When you use these high-priced words in writing articles, you will be able to raise the price per click for Google Adsense, and I present to you the most expensive words for the year 2023.

Learn about the list of the most expensive English and Arabic keywords for Google Adsense for the year 2023

I will present to you two lists that contain the most expensive keywords in English or foreign content in general.

Where the most expensive word reaches more than 58 dollars, which is the word Business Services, and I will also present to you a list of the most expensive Arabic keywords with a high price. The most expensive keywords in Google Adsense and how to choose the most expensive keywords in the world.

These were the most expensive keywords in Google Adsense in relation to foreign content on Google Adsense all over the world. The following table, it is about the most expensive keywords in Arabic content.

These keywords were the most expensive in the Arab countries for Google Adsense, and the price of the most expensive keyword to increase the profits of ads offered by Google Adsense amounts to $3.85, and as you have seen, there is a significant weakness in the profits of Arab ads, as they are very few compared to the prices of keywords in foreign countries.

If you make a comparison between your profits on the site or the profits of Arab bloggers and the profits of content publishers and foreign bloggers, you will find a very big difference in the profits of foreign sites, as the prices of clicks on most foreign ads reach many times the Arab clicks.

The most expensive keywords in Google Adsense

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